Lab 3: CSS


The purpose of this lab is to give you hands-on experience with external CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) stylesheets. You should use a text editor such as Notepad++ to do this assignment.


Everyone is encouraged highly to work with a partner. If you understand CSS, sharing your knowledge with someone else will benefit both you and your partner. Make sure each partner's name is given to TA, or in the Dropbox comments. Only turn in one submission per team. No points will be taken off for not working with a partner, but my next lab points will be taken off.


Requirements and Grading - 10 points

The following requirements should all be accomplished by modifying the index.css stylesheet. Do not modify the index.html document.

Useful Resources


If you finish this lab before the end of class you should have your TA grade this lab before you leave. If you need to turn in the lab later you have to get permission from the TA, you must show your TA progress to get permission. If you're at home and do not show up to lab you can not turn in your lab on D2L. You only need to upload the .css file to the "Lab 3 Upload" in the Assignments section on D2L. Make sure you include your partners name in the comments. No late assignments will be accepted, get it turned in.